Tuesday 3 March 2009

Who Killed Amanda Palmer

Amanda Palmer appears to be live and kicking which is more than can be said of the old record industry model. It appears from her website that her record company didn't want to promote her first solo album "Who Killed Amanda Palmer". Social media may become who killed old media though. I heard about Amanda Palmer from Twitter, I watched her videos on Vimeo and bought the album for the price I chose at Bandcamp.com. Hear of it from your social network, try before you buy, then recommend, that's the new model I prefer.

If you like this video then follow the whole series here, if you like them all then follow this link to the album's BandCamp page and download the album in format of your choosing at a price you choose, then spread the word.

There's a whole lot more collateral at the album's web site, which includes a media filled diary of the making of the album, and mentions the forthcoming book with text by Neil Gaiman and pictures by Kyle Cassidy & Co.

1 comment:

Matthew Sanborn Smith said...

Gaiman mentions her at least five times a month on his blog. That's great exposure as well.