Monday, 23 June 2008

Michael Moorcock interviewed by StarShipSofa

This is the interview with Michael Moorcock that Tony and Ciaran from StarShipSofa did when they spent the day with him in Paris.

The Audio for this is going out on the podcast feed at today

Monday, 9 June 2008

Fleet Foxes - Excellent Music

Today @dbspin on Twitter pointed out this excellent band, Fleet Foxes. They have just recently released their Debut album "Fleet Foxes". Their music is kind of choral folk pop, deceptively gentle with a powerful undercurrent, nice harmonies, good melodies. What do I know about music though, just go listen to the samples on their myspace page. If you've succumbed to the temptation to get yourself a myspace account you can download one of the tracks for free, otherwise they are available on Amazon.